Golden Joystick: We Made It! And You Made It Happen


Your support brought World of Tanks its fourth Golden Joystick award. We're truly humbled and extremely grateful for your passion and votes.

The game we all love saw a major graphics overhaul this year, welcomed several new tank lines, and treated us all to a new campaign of Personal Battle Missions. Our victory at the Golden Joystick Awards signals that our efforts are appreciated by every one of you. We’ll continue giving it our all next year and beyond, expanding the game with awesome new content and features.

Let’s celebrate this victory with a very special mission! Try to complete it as much as you can between 17 November at 11.00 CET (UTC+1) and 19 November at 11.00 CET (UTC+1).

Mission: I Want it All

  • Rewards
  • Objectives
  • Restrictions
  • x2 XP for the battle
  • Win a battle
  • Place in the top 10 of your team by base XP earned
  • Repeatable
  • The bonus for the first victory of the day needs to have been used up
  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier IV-X vehicles


Roll out!

Vitasd meg Discordon
