Push Yourself to the Limits in Frontline Episode 9!

The ninth episode of Frontline 2019 will start on 14 October at 07:00 CEST and will be available until 21 October at 04:00 CEST (UTC+2). This is your chance to experience epic 30v30 battles, win heaps of rewards, and join the race for formidable reward tanks!

We also have news concerning the final Frontline episode. It will take place between 18 November at 06:00 CET and 25 November at 03:00 CET (UTC+1).

Frontline Regulations  

The drums of war are beating loudly, Commanders!

The ninth episode of Frontline brings you closer to exclusive reward tanks, including the unique AE Phase I. If you haven't grabbed other reward vehicles yet, now is the best time to jump back in and make the most of the penultimate Frontline episode!

Just like in the last two episodes, you will have the opportunity to boost your progress thanks to Personal Reserves. You can get a maximum of 20 Reserves—ten for completing special combat missions a week before the start of the episode, and ten available in the in-game shop for gold. The cost of one Reserve in the shop remains at 250 gold. Fight on the Frontline, use Personal Reserves, and get your rewards faster!

The AE Phase I: This Predator Is Worth Sweating Over!

In the previous episode, only the most skilled commanders could get this Frontline-exclusive beast. This time, it will be available to a wider range of players, so don't miss your chance to park this special Tier IX American heavy tank with four segmented tracks in your Garage!

Main Characteristics
AE Phase I
Average Damage
400/400/515 HP
Average Penetration
258/340/60 mm
Hit Points
1,800 HP
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
35/12 km/h
Commander (Radio Operator)
Average Damage
400/400/515 HP
40 item(s)
Average Penetration
258/340/60 mm
Gun Reload Time
11 s
Dispersion at 100 m
0.38 m
Turret Traverse Speed
32 deg/s
Aiming Time
2.5 s
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
Shell Types
Shell flight speed
1,067 m/s
HEAT Shell
1,067 m/s
HE Shell
1,067 m/s
Concealment of Moving Vehicle
Hit Points
1,800 HP
Concealment of Stationary Vehicle
Hull Armor
120/88/38 mm
Signal Range
745 m
Turret Armor
292/101/50 mm
View Range
390 m
The vehicle’s armoring matches its exterior: a solid turret and hull featuring armor plates placed at rational angles. When facing lower- or same-tier enemies, you can take maximum advantage of the vehicle’s armor (especially that of the turret). In clashes against enemies of higher tiers, you should play somewhat more carefully and use the gun’s wide depression angle in combination with the turret armoring, or fight from the second line.
Engine Power
900 h.p.
Traverse Speed
30 deg/s
Specific Power
16.07 h.p./t
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
35/12 km/h
Weight / Load Limit
56/60 t
Although a modest 35 km/h, you can rely on the AE Phase I to accelerate quickly to its top speed, and maintain it.

Featuring a free built-in Large Repair Kit consumable, the AE Phase I offers its own level of tactical versatility. It snipes well, brawls decently, and can jump into a 1v1 fight and come out on top. Its gun packs a serious punch, complemented by a good rate of fire. Remember: having hefty armor doesn’t mean the AE Phase I is suited to frontal assaults, so you'll still have to choose your moments for doing damage, staying between the first and the second lines of attack.

Kraftwerk: The Exam Has Been Passed!

The previous episode was a test for the new map, Kraftwerk. Recreated in a winter setting, it offers a wide variety of landscapes and historical buildings. We're still studying your feedback and have already detected some areas where we see room for improvement.

In particular, episode 8 has showed that the defensive team had a certain advantage over the attackers, primarily due to the difficulty of capturing zones A, B and C. To make the game more fair and balanced, we slightly reworked the landscape of these sectors to make it easier for the attacking team to succeed. Let’s take a closer look.

Zone A

Minimap Zone A

  1. Fixed bushes, cleared gaps.
  2. Added bushes near the bridge on the road and organized access to them.
  3. The bridge and adjacent facilities were moved, houses were added in the village.
  4. The slope is now more convenient for arrival.
  5. The pedestal with the tractor was slightly expanded.
  6. As a result of moving the bridge (point 3), another street was added in the village, with several houses.

Zone B

Minimap Zone B

  1. The walls of the ruins are deployed for better firing at the defenders.
  2. One pile of garbage was removed in the castle and the wall was changed.
  3. Added bush to help the attacking team.
  4. Added shelter.
  5. The tower in the ruins is slightly put forward to complicate shelling.

Zone C

Minimap Zone C

  1. The concrete zone was increased, which worsened the position of the defenders and created an additional balcony for the attack.
  2. Extended arrival at the firing position.
  3. Added concrete blocks that reduce the firing zone of attackers from the bridge.
  4. Concrete blocks removed.
  5. Removed bushes.

Finally, map lighting was reconfigured to make it more comfortable for players' eyesight.

Kraftwerk hasn't come without minor flaws, but no critical issues have been found with it, so the map will remain in the map pool. Keep on exploring it, hone your skills and team tactics, and earn epic medals along with other rewards!

Frontline T-Shirt

Can't get enough of Frontline? Wear it everywhere you go with our latest T-Shirt, inspired by the two brave teams of 30 tankers battling in this game mode!


Good luck in the next episodes of Frontline, Commanders! Make the final push before the finale, and grab the unique reward vehicles while you can!

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