Field Modification: Sandbox Results


We'd like to thank you for your active participation in the Sandbox of Field Modification. Your endless enthusiasm and engagement enabled us to collect valuable in-game statistics and understand how you interact with this new game mechanic. Meanwhile, the feedback you shared with us through the survey, forums, and social media helped us understand how you feel about the feature and which areas need improvement. Now that the dust on the Sandbox battlefields has settled, it's time for us to outline our next steps. 

Preliminary Results 

Preliminary results from the Sandbox survey show us that over 75% of participants liked the key mechanics of Field Modification and were positive about this addition to the main game. In particular, players generally appreciated a new opportunity to fine-tune their favorite vehicles to their personal playstyle. Players confirmed that the new role system used in Field Modification broadly matches the main functions of vehicles, and basing modification bonuses on vehicle roles was the right choice on our end. Moreover, tankers have expressed a great interest in the ability to add a second configuration of consumables, shells, equipment, and directives, as well as switch between the configurations before a battle starts to better adapt to it. 

The preliminary data that we see inspires great optimism as it shows that players grasped the core mechanics of Field Modification and found them useful for their vehicles. 

Main Topics for Discussion 

We've identified the main topics on which many players focus their attention. These are: 

  • Concerns about higher bonuses from Standard Modifications for Tier IX and X vehicles that increase power disparity across vehicle tiers. 
  • Improvements to parameters perceived as excessive for certain vehicles, such as SPGs, some heavy tanks, wheeled vehicles, and some others. 
  • Perceived unbalanced choices in some Dual Modifications.
  • Worries about the costs of increasing Field Modification levels and purchasing Dual Modifications across various vehicle tiers. 
  • Questions regarding the limitations to category selection for the second equipment slot. 
  • Concerns about loadout selection being limited to the 30-second countdown before the start of a battle. 

What’s Next? 

We now have a clear task before us—to carefully examine all aspects of Field Modification based on the data collected from the Sandbox and develop optimal solutions for our players. It'll take us some time to analyze the numbers and match them with your feedback. Our focus will be on the topics listed above, and we promise to keep you informed on future developments regarding Field Modification. 

Thank you for your dedication and willingness to devote your efforts to making World of Tanks a better game. Your feedback is invaluable to us in this endeavor. 

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