Don’t Make It Too Easy for Yourself


You’ve faced these missions before. How far did you get? Were you able to collect all the rewards? Can you do it again?

Let’s put your stamina to the test once more in a new round of our special where you choose your difficulty. Pick your favorite tank class (or second favorite if your first love is an arty) and charge into battle. The more damage you cause, either yourself or by spotting, the more bonus XP you'll collect for the battle!

From May 16 at 07:00 CEST to May 19 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2), show us you are a true master of all classes!

Choose Your Difficulty

  • Private Ryan
  • Sergeant Hartman
  • Major Pain
Private Ryan


  • +50% XP for the battle


  • Light Tanks: 1,500 damage (by spotting + immobilizing) in one battle
  • Medium Tanks: 2,000 damage (by yourself + immobilizing) in one battle
  • Heavy Tanks: 3,000 damage (by yourself + blocking) in one battle
  • Tank Destroyers: deal 2,000 damage in one battle


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier IV–X vehicles
  • Repeatable
Sergeant Hartman


  • +50% XP for the battle
  • +50% XP for the battle from the mission "Private Ryan"


  • Light Tanks: 2,500 damage (by spotting + immobilizing) in one battle
  • Medium Tanks: 3,500 damage (by yourself + immobilizing) in one battle
  • Heavy Tanks: 5,000 damage (by yourself + blocking) in one battle
  • Tank Destroyers: deal 3,500 damage in one battle


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier IV–X vehicles
  • Repeatable
Major Pain


  • +50% XP for the battle
  • +50% XP for the battle from the mission "Private Ryan"
  • +50% XP for the battle from the mission "Sergeant Hartman"


  • Light Tanks: 3,500 damage (by spotting + immobilizing) in one battle
  • Medium Tanks: 4,500 damage (by yourself + immobilizing) in one battle
  • Heavy Tanks: 6,500 damage (by yourself + blocking) in one battle
  • Tank Destroyers: deal 4,500 damage in one battle


  • Only in Random Battles
  • Only in Tier IV–X vehicles
  • Repeatable

Roll Out!

Vitasd meg Discordon
