Get Ready for a Tank Brawl

Get ready to hone your team tactics in Tier X vehicles!

It's only been a few months since Team Clash 2020 finished in World of Tanks, and we're bringing back the format! During this event, you had a chance to battle in the new 7v7 format, in Tier X vehicles. When we looked through your feedback, it became clear that the 7v7 format showed good potential and could become a permanent mode in our game.

To explore your engagement in this format and get the most relevant feedback, we’ve decided to make it accessible again for a short time, from April 24 through 27. Let’s take a closer look.


April 24, 2020, 10:00 UTC through April 27, 2020, 00:00 UTC

Prime Times
10:00 – 00:00 (UTC) (EU1 server)

Moving Forward!

This time, the 7v7 format has received a slight revamp and will be named Brawl. It will be launched in test mode, without attaching to any event, and will help us estimate its prospects in World of Tanks. Jump in Brawl, and with your feedback, we will see what the future holds for this game format!

How Can I Start Playing?

Enter Brawl mode through the drop-down menu to the right of the "Battle" button.

How It Works: A Handy Summary

The format rules haven't changed much since the Team Clash event. Here’s a brief summary.

  • Battles will take place in the Encounter mode, in Tier X vehicles only.
  • Total battle time is 10 minutes.
  • Each team can have no more than one Platoon and one SPG in its ranks. Dynamic Platoons are allowed.
  • Platoons are limited to a maximum of 3 players.
  • During the event, the matchmaker will create a separate queue for players fighting in this mode.
  • If the queue time is long, a Platoon imbalance is possible (for example, a Platoon of three players in one team against a Platoon of two players in another).
  • The matchmaker aims to send no more than 3 TDs and LTs into battle.
  • Random Battle achievements can't be earned.
  • Battles will take place on a select set of maps:
    • Steppes
    • Himmelsdorf
    • Murovanka
    • Siegfried Line
    • Ensk
  • Map exclusion is not possible in this mode.
  • The base capture time depends on the number of vehicles. It will take 180 seconds for one vehicle to capture the base, and 90 and 60 seconds for two and three vehicles, respectively.
  • Personal and Clan Reserves can be used in battles.
  • x2 for the first victory of the day is applicable.

Just like in Random Battles, the usual game rules and terms of service continue to apply to this mode.

Battle Missions

Personal Missions and Daily Missions can't be completed in Brawl. Instead, special daily missions will be available in this mode. Check them out.

  • Brawl part 1
  • Brawl part 2
Brawl part 1


  • Be among the top 5 by XP earned in five battles


  • Tier X
  • Only in "Brawl"
  • Once per day


  • 150 000
  • 25 bonds
  • "Brawl" mark
Brawl part 2


  • Be among the top 3 by XP earned in three battles


  • Tier X
  • Only in "Brawl"
  • Must possess the "Brawl" mark
  • Once per day


  • 250 000
  • Personal Reserve: +100% Combat XP for 1 h
  • 50 bonds

Rental Vehicles

All rental vehicles are only available for Brawl—it’s impossible to enter Random Battles or other modes using these tanks.

It’s desirable to have two Tier X vehicles or more, so you’ll be able to quickly pick another eligible tank and get back into battle.

If there are not enough suitable vehicles in your Garage, or you don’t have any Tier X tanks at all, you can rent vehicles. All rental tanks in Brawl are replicas of existing vehicles, with the same characteristics and properties. A total of two rental vehicles will be available:

Rental tanks come with “virtual” Garage slots and 100% crews.

At the end of the event, all rental vehicles will remain on your account but will be blocked. They will be removed automatically in about a week. If you mount any equipment or move a crew to them, they can be instantly demounted/removed after the event is over.

Join the Brawl and share your feedback to help us improve this promising format!

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