Bisonte C45: An Italian Gift that Keeps on Giving


Go on, shake the box. Can you guess what's inside? Sounds like a tough new Italian heavy tank: the  VIII Bisonte C45 !

When Colonel Mario Zini was asked what the tank of the future will bring, he envisioned a powerful heavy tank with a low silhouette. Although the concept was never actually realized, it is the ideal foundation for a line of unique Italian tanks, including a magnificent new Premium vehicle. Let’s see what this beast has to offer.

How to play?

Bisonte C45
Average damage
360/360/440 HP
Average penetration
218/270/105 mm
Hit points
1,400 HP
Top speed / Reverse speed
50/15 km/h
Commander (Radio Operator)
Average damage
360/360/440 HP
Average penetration
218/270/105 mm
44/3/3 s
Time for autoreloading one shell
17/15/12 s
Ammo rack capacity
60 shells
Shells in the magazine
3 shells
Dispersion at 100 m
0.42 m
Aiming time
2.7 s
Shell types
Shell flight speed
1,155 m/s
800 m/s
800 m/s
Concealment of moving vehicle
Hit points
1,200 HP
Concealment of stationary vehicle
Hull armor
135/75/30 mm
Signal range
525 m
View range
380 m
Engine power
600 h.p.
Specific power
12.46 h.p./t
Traverse speed
26 deg/s
Top speed / Reverse speed
50/15 km/h

Make sure to take maximum advantage of the refined autoreloading mechanic. Empty your magazine if the situation requires it, and don’t hesitate to take a shot if you can stop an opponent in its tracks or even take them out. The bonus to the reloading time allows for a more flexible playstyle without waiting for a fully charged magazine.

Hull-down positions are your best friends on the battlefield. Only expose your tough turret and use natural cover to your advantage—it will help you to stay in the fight longer and cause serious damage to your opponents.

It is dangerous to fight alone. Make sure to have a trusted companion at your vulnerable sides, who will cover them and allows for a distraction if you have to quickly recharge.


Say what you want about Italian tanks, but one thing holds true for all of them: they have the look. The Italian school once more produced a tailor-made steel suite for the Bisonte C45 that could be from Brioni. It is very stylish, with rivets as highlights and just the right color accents. But looks don’t matter on the battlefield. How durable is it?

The front of the Bisonte C45 will be a tough nut to crack, even for the most powerful opponents. The strong turret has an additional layer of armor which will leave HEAT shells in the dust, and has no weak spots worth mentioning. Position this beast at the right angle and hear your opponents curse and weep, or use the 10 degrees of gun depression to hide your hull and become an unbreachable fortress.


Speaking of the gun, we need to take a closer look at the armament of the Bisonte C45. At first glance, 360 damage and 218 mm of penetration might not sound like the most powerful weaponry in the game. However, this leaves out a small but very significant detail. The Cannone da 105/55 is a mighty 3 shell autoreloader. A mechanic that is already in use with Italian medium tanks, but was upgraded for the heavy line.

Modified Autoreloading Mechanic

Each clip of the Bisonte C45 holds three rounds with an intra-clip reload time of only 3 seconds, which allows you to cause 1080 damage in a mere 6 seconds.

As you know, an autoreloader starts charging shells right after each shot. If you take another shot while a shell is loading, the reload time is normally reset to zero. However, the Bisonte C45 has a new system that will not punish you as harshly. The improved autoreloader provides a bonus to loading time of up to 50% depending on the loading stage that you are at when you take the next shot.

For example, if you shoot right before the second shell has finished loading, part of the time spent on charging will remain, and the next shell will be loaded much faster.

This little difference can save you from being sent to the Garage prematurely, and helps you not to miss a frag.


Recommended Setup

Armor should be the strong point of the Bisonte C45. You are a heavy tank, after all, so even a small increase in strength will be a benefit, helping you play your class right. Therefore, we recommend “Improved Hardening” for the first slot.

The next two slots should be devoted to the gun. Neither dispersion nor aiming time is anything to write home about, so in order to increase the comfort of shooting, we need a “Vertical Stabilizer” and an “Improved Rotation Mechanism”.

However, if you prefer a more conservative playstyle, focusing on gun stabilization and view range, “Improved Ventilation”, a “Vertical Stabilizer”, and “Coated Optics” is a valid alternative.

Crew Skills


“Repair” should always be your first choice with a heavy tank. No matter if you are taking snapshots from the second line, or if you are in a close combat brawl, you don’t want to get caught with your tracks down. The additional skills improve your gun and your general performance in battle, especially “Brothers in Arms”.

The view range of that vehicle is not terrible but could see improvement. Therefore, we recommend getting the "Situational Awareness" skill for your commander as soon as possible.

Where to Get It

Available from December 9, 2020 at 07:00 CET through January 11, 2021 at 07:00 CET (UTC+1)

The VIII Bisonte C45 is part of the line-up of Premium vehicles that are hidden in this year's Large Holiday Ops Boxes.

Head to the Premium Shop and get your bundle of festive boxes from one of four different categories. They are filled to the brim with plenty of treats, such as Decorations for your festive Garage, gold and credits, World of Tanks Premium Account, exclusive 3D styles, and of course, Premium vehicles such as the Bisonte C45.

New Year
Lunar New Year
Purchasing will be available from December 9 at 06:00 UTC.
11 Large Boxes with a 9% discount
Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase
25 Large Boxes with a 20% discount
Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase
75 Large Boxes with a 33% discount
Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase
One Level V decoration
One decoration of a random level
250 gold
1 day of WoT Premium Account
3 days of WoT Premium Account
7 days of WoT Premium Account
250 gold
500 gold
1,000 gold
100,000 credits
500,000 credits
Bisonte C45
GSOR 1008
Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque
Pz.Kpfw. T 15
Matilda Black Prince
M22 Locust
M4A1 FL 10
Last Year's Holiday Ops 3D Styles

  • Conqueror Gun Carriage
  • Maus
  • 60TP Lewandowskiego
  • STB-1
  • WZ-111 model 5A
  • T110E4
  • E 100
  • Object 140
  • AMX 13 105
  • Jagdpanzer E 100
  • Object 430U

Additional Grousers

Increases mobility on soft and medium terrain.

Increases hull traverse speed.

Increases the ability to maintain speed.

Adrenaline Rush

Decreases the gun reload time by 10% if your vehicle's HP drops below 10%.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Brothers in Arms / Sisterhood of Steel

Increases the training level of your crew members by 5%.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100% for every single crew member.

Band of Brothers

Increases the training level of your crew members by 5%.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100% for every single crew member.

Also works if other crew members have the Brothers in Arms / Sisterhood of Steel perk.

Call for Vengeance

Reports the location of enemy vehicles for two more seconds after the destruction of your own vehicle.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Clutch Braking

Increases the traverse speed of your vehicle.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Commander's Vision System

Reduces the concealment of moving enemy vehicles.

Reduces the concealment of enemy vehicles behind foliage.


Increases the camouflage value of your vehicle.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Controlled Impact

Increases the ramming damage dealt and decreases damage taken by ramming.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.


Increases the chance of landing a critical hit.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Designated Target

Keeps targeted vehicles visible for two more seconds.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Eagle Eye

Allows you to identify damaged/destroyed modules as well as injured crew members of an enemy vehicle by hovering your mouse over it for several seconds.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.


Reduces the damage and duration of fire.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.


Grants a slight chance to change shell type without having to reload again.

Doesn't work with autoloaders. Works also while reloading.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Improved Aiming

Smaller aiming circle size.

Improved Hardening

Fully restores suspension hit points after repairs.

Increases suspension load capacity.

Increases vehicle hit points.

Enhances suspension durability.

Reduces hull damage caused by suspension damage during impact.

Faster suspension repair speed.

Improved Radio Set

Increases the time an enemy vehicle is visible.

Reduces the time your vehicle is visible to the enemy.

Improved Rotation Mechanism

Reduces dispersion during vehicle movement and traverse, as well as during turret rotation.

Improves hull and turret traverse speed.

Jack of All Trades

Reduces the performance penalty of wounded crew members.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Low Noise Exhaust System

Reduces the visibility of a stationary or moving vehicle.


Increases the Crew XP gained for each crew member apart from the commander.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Modified Configuration

Prevents one fuel tank fire, ammo rack explosion, or engine destruction in one battle.

Increases engine durability and the capacity of the ammo rack and fuel tank.

Reduces the damaged ammo rack penalty and damaged engine penalty.

Reduces the chance of engine fire.

Increases repair speed.

Off-Road Driving

Increases mobility on medium and soft terrain.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Preventative Maintenance

Reduces the chance of engine fire.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.


Increases the view range of your vehicle.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.


Increases the signal range of allied vehicles within your radio coverage.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.


Reduces the repair time of destroyed modules.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Safe Stowage

Increases the durability of your vehicle's ammo rack.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Signal Boosting

Increases the signal range of your vehicle.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Situational Awareness

Increases the view range of your vehicle.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Sixth Sense

Shows a light bulb three seconds after you've been spotted.

Works only if the skill progress has reached 100%.

Smooth Ride

Reduces the dispersion penalty while driving.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Snap Shot

Reduces the dispersion penalty when traversing the turret.

The higher the skill progress, the stronger the effect.

Spall Liner

Decreases damage taken by ramming and high-explosive splash.


Increases engine power.

Increases top forward speed.

Increases top reverse speed.

Binocular Telescope

Increases the view range of your vehicle by 25%.

Your hull must be stationary for at least 3 seconds.

Camouflage Net

Significantly increases the camouflage value of your vehicle.

Your hull must be stationary for at least 3 seconds.

Enhanced Gun Laying Drive

Reduces the aiming time of your gun by 10%.

Coated Optics

Increases the view range of your vehicle by 10%.

Tank Gun Rammer

Reduces the reload time of your gun by 10%.


Decreases the repair time of destroyed modules.

Cumulative with the Repair skill.

Improved Ventilation

Increases the training level of your crew members by 5%.

Vertical Stabilizer

Reduces the dispersion penalties when moving and during hull and turret traverse by 20%.

"Wet" Ammo Rack

Increases the module HP of your ammo rack.

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