Tournament: Fools Rush In


It's time for an epic tournament of life and death! We've tasked a group of content creators to each form an elite team of tank commanders and lead them in glorious battle. Dakillzor, Mailand, Marty_Vole and NewMultiShow will all stream their fearless campaigns on their channels (linked below). Among these brave warriors will be eekeeboo, also streaming this clash of the legends and showing off awesome flipping skills on the official World of Tanks channel.

Unfortunately, imposing the death penalty for the losing team didn't go down very well with our legal department, so instead, they will have to fight for pride and entertainment! The losing teams will get away with just looking foolish this April.

As nobody's life is on the line, what are they actually fighting for other than pride? Amazing prizes of course! But not for themselves, no! Whatever they earn will be given away to their community! And there are some juicy rewards at stake.

Here is everything you need to know:

When: 1 April at 16:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Where: Follow the tournament via the respective Streams

World of Tanks  
Mailand NewMultiShow Dakillzor Marty_Vole


  • 1st place: 10x Type 59
  • 2nd place: 5x E 75 TS
  • 3rd place: 5x TOG II*
  • 4th place: 10x exclusive “All-seasons webbed” camouflage sets

Tournament Rules and Regulations



  • 10v10
  • Tier VII only
  • Battle time: 10 min
  • Attack/Defence
  • A maximum of one E 25 per team
  • A maximum of one Arty per team
  • A maximum of two of the same tanks


  • Round robin
  • Best of five (first to 3 is the winner)
  • Teams will get points for each battle won, e.g. a match ends 3:2, Team A gets 3 points, Team B gets 2 points.
    In case several teams have the same number of points, a playoff between them will be set based on previous match rules.
  • The first side on the map is chosen via a coin toss. The winner declares the starting position for the first battle. Sides will be switched for each subsequent battle.


  • Mines
  • Himmelsdorf
  • Cliff


Roll Out!

Vitasd meg Discordon
