Update 9.19 Is Here

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Update 9.19 is nearly within reach—deploying on 31 May! Over the past few weeks, we broke down what’s great about Ranked Battles, the new equipment and consumables, interface improvements, and other enhancements on the way. Now, with all these shiny new features implemented, it’s up to you guys to tell us if they take your World of Tanks experience to the next level. But, hey, before you rush into battle, why not go on a quick refresher course?

  • Downtime
  • Premium Accounts & payments

World of Tanks servers will be down on 31 May from 03:00 to 09:00 CEST (UTC+2) to get everything in order. Also, we’ll be freezing the Global Map for 24 hours, temporarily closing the Clan portal and cancelling Strongholds battles.

  • For the SD client, the patch size is 380 MB
  • For the HD client, the patch size is 570 MB
Premium Accounts & payments

Current Premium players will be credited an additional 24 hours of Premium account time to make up for the maintenance period. If you’d like to make any in-game purchases, please wait until the servers are up and running again.

Click the images below to check out some of the deeper details on each feature.

What’s new

Ranked Battles mode

We’ve all been there: you put in a stellar performance in battle but your efforts don’t necessarily pay off because it takes more than one player to win a match. This is where Ranked Battles mode comes in. In it, you’re rewarded for a great personal performance and can face off against opponents of comparable skill in 15v15 battles exclusive to Tier X vehicles. By testing your mettle in this mode, you can earn a new type of currency, Bonds, which can snag you some rather sweet prizes.

Thanks for your support and excitement around Ranked Battles thus far! With the release of 9.19, we're entering the final stretch of the mode’s development and are inviting you to join us in the Ranked Battles Beta, launching soon after 9.19. It’s a long-awaited, welcome addition we hope you will enjoy while the team continues to monitor and optimize the experience as we march towards release. Consider this Beta a near-finished product that we’re putting in your hands to define potential future adjustments. After going over your feedback and game data we collect during Beta, we might tweak the modes functionality, rewards, and economics.

Stay tuned for more details on the Ranked Battles Beta Season (dates, rules and regulations) coming your way in a matter of days. There’s still plenty of time to refine your skills and get battle-ready. Studying the full guide on the new mode is a nice way to start.

Improved Equipment and Directives

We devised a new way of taking your vehicle’s efficiency up a notch: Improved Equipment and a new type of Battle Reserves, Directives. You can get both with Bonds you earn in Ranked Battles, mount and use in any mode, whether it’s Random Battles, Clan Wars, or tournaments. Improved Equipment provides larger bonuses than their standard counterparts, while Directives enhance mounted equipment, Crew perks and skill efficiency.

Interface Improvements

Thanks to your feedback, we’ve given parts of the UI a facelift. The “Missions” window now has a tab with the full list of battle missions for all vehicles in your Garage, another with all current specials, events, and missions, and one more where you can browse missions and specials for any selected vehicle. Finally, the “Armory” screen now lists all active special offers and sales on the “Specials” tab, so you can always find a great offer.

Small Enhancements

Many players asked for a female voiceover option, and in 9.19 you’ve got it. This new set of voice messages, called “Commander,” can be activated in the sound settings.
Along with this, some of you told us that you didn’t like having to recruit all-female or all-male Crews to benefit from the “Sisterhood of Steel” or “Brothers in Arms” perks. Now, these perks are compatible, and mixed Crews with both get a 5% bonus to the Training Level of each of their members.

As always, we want to offer a big thanks to all those who shared their feedback to help us improve World of Tanks. There’s still always more work to be done, and we want you to head to the forums and tell us about your experience with the latest update.

Full List of Changes


1. Ranked Battles

Ranked Battles is a 15v15 mode exclusive to Tier X vehicles, where the first team to eliminate the opposition or capture their base secures victory. Basically, the setup is the same as Random Battles. And that’s where the similarity ends. Ranked Battles is all about individual results. Your ultimate goal here is to put on a stellar individual performance to climb the Leaderboard, earning ranks and rewards along the way. The more successful you are in battle, the higher your rank in the special Leaderboard of the Ranked Battles.

  • Matchmaking: The matchmaker puts you in a team with players whose rank is similar to yours (±1). If getting a ±1 match would take too long, the matchmaker will loosen its restrictions a bit to get you in a battle quickly. The two teams will always have the same number of players with any given rank. Simply put, you play alongside tankers of similar ranking and have competition to match. The higher your rank, the higher the competition that you face. If the matchmaker fails to assemble the teams within 5 minutes, the Ranked Battle will not start: the player will be sent back to the Garage.
  • Progression: Getting in the Top 12 by XP on the winning team earns you a chevron, taking you a step closer toward earning a new rank. So does getting in the Top 3 on the losing team. The 1st rank will cost you just one chevron, and the higher you climb, the more chevrons it takes you to progress. The bottom 3 players of the winning team do not earn a chevron, while the bottom 12 players of the defeated team lose a chevron.
    Upon reaching the 1st and 5th ranks, you progress is saved. On top of that, after you reach the 5th rank you get an option to prove your skill on a certain Tier X vehicle by leveling it to the max. Each vehicle rank is bound to the vehicle, in which it was earned (each vehicle has its unique progression), and remains there throughout the stage. Just one exception here: the number of vehicle ranks is not limited
  • Timeline: Ranked Battles are divided into seasons. The Beta season will consist of four 7-day stages. When a new stage begins, rank leveling is reset to the beginning. The progress achieved by the end of day 7 is included in the Leaderboard. When the season ends, your results over the last 28 days are totaled and you receive rewards, depending on your final standing in the Leaderboard . 
  • Economy: Along with the usual earnings per battle, you will get bonuses (сredits, consumables, and Personal Reserves) for reaching a new rank and fulfilling the special combat mission, exclusive to Ranked Battles. At the end of each stage and season, you receive crates with rewards and a certain amount of an all-new in-game currency, Bonds, which can’t be bought with credits or gold. Bonds can buy Directives and Improved Equipment that significantly boost crew skills and vehicle parameters. The higher your score for the stage and season, the more Bonds you earn.
  • Leaderboard: Each rank earned for the first time in each stage provides one point. These points are totaled over the entire season and determine the player's position among other participants of the Ranked Battles. The player should earn a certain amount of points to take position in the Leaderboard, whereas the required amount of points increases in each following stage. At the end of the season, the leaders are selected from those who earned enough points. The leaders are divided into three leagues. The first league are the first 10% of players, they receive the highest reward. The second league are another 15% of players, they receive smaller rewards. The third league are another 25%; these players also receive rewards. The reward of the season final is the best and always higher than those received for stages irrespective of the league where the player ended the season.
  • Improved equipment: Analogy of the standard equipment that already exists in the game. However it provides a bigger bonus to the technical characteristics. Such equipment can be purchased with Bonds only.
  • Directives: A new type of single-use consumables used for increasing technical characteristics of vehicles. The directives can increase the bonus of the mounted equipment or learnt skills/perks of the crew members. A player can equip only one directive at a time. Once used in battle, a new directive needs to be purchased.
  • Badges: Players can earn Badges (new vehicle customization element) as a reward for participation in a season. Badges are unique icons that will be displayed next to the player’s nickname in battle and everyone will be able to see it. This is the simplest way to show off. 

2. Missions 2.0

The visual and functional part of the Missions and Specials window underwent considerable changes within the first iteration.

The Missions tab will become available in the Garage: it allows displaying the corresponding screen. Missions are conventionally divided into three tabs: Events, Missions, and For Selected Vehicle.

  • Events: tasks that require considerable efforts (for example, marathons).
  • Missions: tasks that can be grouped according to their idea (for example, daily missions, Training Missions, etc.).

Each mission is displayed as a tile; all missions are logically sorted: high-priority missions are displayed at the top of the list. Each mission (tile) can be opened to view its detailed description. The new design of the Missions will simplify understanding of this game entity by players.

Now Specials are available as a Store menu option. There are various specials in the game: basically, the discounts for vehicles, consumables, experience conversion, etc. Each special is represented with a tile with a detailed description of the discount, its amount, and other information. All specials are interactive: specials can be used right in the game client by clicking on the corresponding tile. 

3. Clan Management

The update extends clan management options. The following will be available in the game client:

  • Distribute gold from the clan treasury
  • Change ranks of clan members in the game client
  • Transfer Clan Commander’s permissions
  • View detailed statistics of clan members

4. Improvements to Strongholds

The below awards that could be received for Stronghold-related activities up to version 9.17.1 were transferred to the Special category:

  • Skirmisher
  • For Decisive Battles
  • Capturer
  • Fortress Crusher
  • Retaliation

5. HD models

The following vehicles were reworked to the HD-quality:

  • KV-13
  • Т-44
  • IS-2
  • BDR G1B
  • Renault FT 75 BS
  • Renault UE 57
  • Renault FT AC
  • Alecto
  • Excelsior
  • Vickers Mk.E Type B
  • STA -1
  • MTLS-1G14

6. Sound

Added female voiceovers. The National voiceover option was replaced with the Commander option that provides voice notifications that depend on both the nation and gender of the vehicle Commander. Thus, if the crew Commander is female, the voiceover will also be female.

7. The Tank Company Battle mode was removed from the game.

8. The Recruit Training missions were disabled.

9. Fixed the issue of driving into the area that was not intended for gameplay on the Arctic Region map.

10. Changes to the Matchmaker

We made some changes to the matchmaker to decrease the number of one- and two-tier battles in favor of the 3/5/7 system.

  • The number of one- and two-tier battles will decrease in favor of the 3/5/7 system. The change will be noticeable at high battle levels (vehicle tiers: VIII to X).
  • Most three-tier battles will be created according to the basic 3/5/7 pattern.

We will slightly tighten the requirements for matchmaking in terms of Platoons, SPGs, tank destroyers, and light tanks, which will decrease the number of battles with the corresponding imbalances.

11. Changes to perks

The Sisterhood of Steel perk now becomes Brothers in Arms, which allows mixed crews (female and male crew members) to benefit from this perk.

12. Changes to Controls

Changed the operation logic of the button that locks turret rotation: the Auto-Aim button is now used for locking the turret. Previously, the default button for locking the turret rotation was RMB.

13. Changes to Vehicles


  • Pz.Kpfw. VII: Vehicle model changed
  • VK 72.01 (K): armoring changed


  • Т-50: Changed the displayed engine power of the V-4M engine from 300 hp to 400 hp, which corresponds to the actual engine power in the game.


  • M4A3E8 Sherman, M4A3E8 Fury, and M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo: Armour of the gun mantlet improved

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