Changes to the Technical Characteristics of the Following Vehicles


  • Added the Pz.Sfl. IC to the game resources


  • Added the following vehicle for testing by Supertest players: 122 TM

Known issues:

  • The time for the transition to the Garage after applying customization elements has increased.
  • The conditions of Personal Missions are not displayed upon pressing N in Grand Battles.
  • When using the "Driving to position!" command on a pre-battle marker, the chat does not display the corresponding message.
  • The Battle Results screen is missing an entry about the completion of the last mission in a series.
  • When mounting the Experimental Optics equipment, the view range value is rounded down.
  • When shooting at the ground from a distance of over 500 m, the hit effect is displayed next to the vehicle that made the shot.
  • In some cases, the sequence of events in the damage log is distorted.
  • The client cannot be maximized to full-screen mode while the player is in a Skype call.
  • In some cases, falling trees fall through the terrain.
  • Consumables are not replenished from the Depot if the player does not have enough credits for a complete automatic ammunition resupply.
  • Upon successful completion of the Alliance-14 mission during the Chimera Operation, the failed mission icon is displayed after the battle.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed the issue where the drowning level of the Lorraine 155 mle. 50 was too low.
  • Decals can now be applied to the lower glacis plate of the SU-122-44.
  • Damage caused to stunned enemies is now counted toward the "Average assistance" value.
  • Fixed the issue when the aiming circle oscillated in 16x and 25x magnifications in Siege Mode during Frontline battles.
  • Fixed the issue of the chat blinking when viewed messages in chats were displayed as unread.
  • Frontline Battle Results now display rewards for missions.
  • Fixed a rare issue when the camera in the Garage fell under the vehicle.
  • When purchasing a Collectors' vehicle for the first time, a congratulatory window is now displayed.
  • Removed the possibility of transitions from the battle queue screen to the Store or Garage.
  • Improved the models of some map objects.