Changes Version 9.7 vs. Version 9.6:


  • Upgraded BigWorld Engine version to 2.8.1.

  • Updated the Team Battle mode.

  • Implemented separation of new and experienced players in low-tier battles (for Tier I–III vehicles).

  • Reduced the view range of SPGs.




  • Added the following new French vehicles: FCM 36, Tier II light tank, Renault R35, Tier II light tank, Somua S35, Tier III medium tank, SARL 42, Tier IV medium tank, Renault G1, Tier V medium tank, AMX 30 1er prototype, Tier IX medium tank, AMX 30 B, Tier X medium tank

  • Reworked the following vehicles in HD quality: IS-4, E 100, JagdPz E 100, Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H, ELC AMX.

  • Fixed issues with the damage model of the Stuart I vehicle.

  • Fixed positioning of Emblems on the T-15 German light tank.

  • Increased profitability of the following special vehicles: Object 907, М60, VK 7201, T95E6.

  • Added the following vehicles to the in-game Store: AMX Chasseur de char, Tier VIII French medium tank and STA-2, Tier VIII Japanese medium tank

  • Added the T-54 first prototype, Tier VIII U.S.S.R. medium tank, to the Premium Shop. 


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Maps and Objects:

  • Added new map: Overlord, dedicated to the Allied landing in Normandy in 1944.

  • Removed the Northwest map from the Random Battle mode.

  • Improved the gameplay features of the Live Oaks map.

  • Improved the effects on the Karelia, Westfield, El Halluf, and Airfield maps.

  • Reworked the visual models of some barricades on the Stalingrad map.

  • Fixed the issues with the visual and damage models of some environmental objects.

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Other Changes:


Chat Improvements:

  • Updated all existing emoticons.

  • Added the "Accept friend requests" setting. With this setting disabled, all incoming friend requests will be automatically declined.

  • Improved the online indicator of contacts for colourblind players. With the "Colourblind mode" setting enabled, the "In battle" status will be displayed in purple instead of red.

  • Added the ability to create, edit, and delete notes for contacts in your Contact list.

  • Added the "Chat blocked" attribute. The attribute is displayed near the name of those players who are your mutual contacts and were banned by a moderator.

  • Fixed a large number of issues with the interface of new Contact lists added in version 9.6.


  • Fixed many hang-ups and crashes of the game client.

  • Reworked the display of hits and penetration marks on a vehicle.

  • Reworked some effects of damage caused to game objects by shell hits.

  • Fixed the issues with text conditions of some personal missions.

  • Fixed some issues with interface in the Stronghold mode.

  • Fixed some minor issues with interface.

  • Fixed an issue with the Motion Blur Effect.

  • Fixed some issues with the playback of battle replays.

  • Fixed the issue in the calculation of penetration damage to vehicles’ screens caused by HE shells when it was considered that the shell penetrated the main armor and the “internal explosion” event was triggered, which could cause injury to all crew members, although in this case only some crew members should be injured.

  • Added the ability to use Combat Reserves in Skirmishes of the absolute format.

  • Added the ability to scale parts of the interface for higher resolution of displays.

  • Fixed the issue with the aiming circle declining lower in Arcade Aim than in the Sniper Mode if the vehicle was standing on an inclined surface.

  • Fixed track tension of HD vehicles in the Premium Garage.

  • Fixed unloading of worldoftanks.exe from system processes after the client is closed.

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Detailed List of Changes to Vehicles:


Changes in Characteristics of U.S.S.R. SPGs:

  • SU-122A: view range decreased from 340 m to 300 m.

  • SU-14-1: view range decreased from 360 m to 330 m.

  • Object 261: view range decreased from 390 m to 350 m.

  • SU-26: view range decreased from 320 m to 280 m.

  • SU-8: view range decreased from 350 m to 320 m.

  • SU-5: view range decreased from 330 m to 290 m.

  • S-51: view range decreased from 360 m to 330 m.

Changes in Characteristics of German SPGs:
  • Pz.Sfl. IVb: view range decreased from 340 m to 300 m.

  • G.W. Tiger (P): view range decreased from 380 m to 340 m.

  • G. Pz. Mk VI (e): view range decreased from 320 m to 280 m.

  • G.W. E 100: view range decreased from 400 m to 360 m.

  • G.W. Panther: view range decreased from 370 m to 330 m.

  • G.W. Tiger: view range decreased from 390 m to 350 m.

  • Wespe: view range decreased from 330 m to 290 m.

  • Grille: view range decreased from 350 m to 310 m.

  • Sturmpanzer II: view range decreased from 340 m to 300 m.

  • Sturmpanzer I Bison: view range decreased from 330 m to 290 m.

  • Hummel: view range decreased from 360 m to 320 m.

Changes in Characteristics of U.S. SPGs:

  • M44: view range decreased from 360 m to 320 m.

  • T92: view range decreased from 400 m to 360 m.

  • M12: view range decreased from 370 m to 330 m.

  • M40/M43: view range decreased from 380 m to 340 m.

  • M37: view range decreased from 340 m to 300 m.

  • M41 HMC: view range decreased from 350 m to 310 m.

  • M7 Priest: view range decreased from 330 m to 290 m.

  • T57: view range decreased from 320 m to 280 m.

Changes in Characteristics of French SPGs:

  • AMX 105 AM mle.  47: view range decreased from 340 m to 290 m.

  • Bat.-Chatillon 155 55: view range decreased from 370 m to 330 m.

  • Bat.-Chatillon 155 58: view range decreased from 380 m to 340 m.

  • Lorraine 155 mle. 51: view range decreased from 360 m to 330 m.

  • Lorraine 155 mle. 50: view range decreased from 350 m to 320 m.

  • AMX 13 F3 AM: view range decreased from 360 m to 310 m.

  • AMX 13 105 AM mle. 50: view range decreased from 350 m to 300 m.

  • Lorraine 39L AM: view range decreased from 330 m to 280 m.

Changes in Characteristics of British Vehicles:

  • Crusader 5.5-in.  SP: view range decreased from 370 m to 330 m.

  • Sherman Firefly: view range of the Sherman IC turret increased from 360 m to 370 m.

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