- First Win of the Day
- XP Weekend #1
- XP Weekend #2
- XP Weekend #3
Don't you love it when your opponent gifts you the perfect opportunity to strike and land a devastating blow? Well, now you can enjoy the same feeling by taking advantage of this weekend special for XP missions.
Whether you're chasing the X FV4005 Stage II or X UDES 15/16 in the latest Top of the Tree special or have your eyes on another tank, the additional XP from missions will be a massive boost on your journey up the tech tree.
Make the most of ×3 XP for the first win of the day and up to 54,000 XP per day from mission rewards! Check out all the details below.
Available from July 29 at 07:00 CEST through August 2 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Imagine having the potential to one-shot your opponent and not knowing whether the next hit will feel like a gentle breeze or a hurricane. From July 29 at 10:00 CEST through July 31 at 23:59 CEST (UTC+2), you can experience this for yourself with Arcade Cabinet, which returns this weekend to mix up the rules. Check out the full event guide for more information on this exciting new experience.
Battles in Arcade Cabinet will not contribute to your progress in weekend special missions.
Complete simple missions for loads of XP to boost your progress.
Roll Out!
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