One on One Cup #2
Statut du tournoi : Terminé Terminé

One on One Cup #2

Statut du tournoi :

Terminé Terminé
This is a test tournament! Before applying be aware this cup may be rescheduled, changed (tier, format) and may have technical issues as we'll be testing various settings. Please only apply if you are ready to focus solely on feedback and provide it via forum. The link is provided below in the rules.

À propos

  • 1 859 Équipes confirmées
  • SE Arbre de tournoi
  • EU 1 Serveur

Détails du tournoi

  • Format de l'équipe 1
  • Mode de bataille Bataille standard
  • Rang des véhicules VI
  • Total des rangs autorisé 6

Équipes confirmées

Équipe Serveur de jeu Option d'inscription
(Équipe non confirmée)


  • Newcomers section:
  • Feedback:
  • Format:
  • Before the battle:
  • Victory conditions:
  • Gold rewards:
Newcomers section:

Newcomers section:

  1. Everyone is highly encouraged to read the following guide, it describes the process from choosing a tournament to creating/joining or modifying teams
  2. Join us on the forum to discuss current or upcoming tournaments, you may also ask any question about any cup or rules.


  1. Players are invited to leave their feedback about this format with their views on gameplay and playability. We need to test and tweak this format if we are ever to use it officially and this is an ideal way to do it. Official thread is here.


  1. Tournament will be played in Single Elimination format
Before the battle:

Before the battle:

  1. Teams have 5-10 minutes before the allocated start time to join the lobby.
  2. If a team is not ready in this time and no one from the reserve can take the place in the primary (main) team, team will play incomplete.
Victory conditions:

Victory conditions:

  1. To win a game, the team will need to destroy all enemy vehicles or capture the enemy base.
  2. Number or rounds will be shown on the tournament page
  3. Draw management will be shown on the tournament page
  4. Draw games have two resolutions, one will be picked for each tournament. Two resolutions are tie breaker or keep draw (both teams disqualified)
  5. If the Tie Break match has to be played, the Tie Break owner votes for which side (attacking or defending) to play. Time for voting is two minutes.
  6. A Tie Break owner is determined according to the following criteria (in descending
  7. order of priority):
  • A team must be fastest to win while playing for the attacking side.
  • A team must cause most damage in one battle while playing for the attacking
  • side.
  • Randomly.
  1. Starting spawn points for all games will be automatically allocated by the system
  2. Games cannot be replayed unless an issue with the set up causes a problem. Unfortunately we will be unable to restart games due to disconnections or PC crashes
Gold rewards:

Gold rewards:

  1. Gold rewards are sent within a week (maximum two) after the tournament completion.
  2. If your team is missing gold (after a week) you may report it missing on the forum by posting in the section of the specific tournament.

Vainqueurs du tournoi

Équipe Équipe Capitaine Capitaine Serveur de jeu Serveur de jeu Option d'inscription Option d'inscription


Place Récompense
1st place: 3000 gold
2nd place: 1500 gold
3rd place: 750 gold
4th place: 500 gold
5th place - 128th place 250 gold

Arbres de tournoi

Il y a trop d'équipes pour créer un arbre : /64

Il n'y a aucune information concernant cette étape.

Il y a trop d'équipes pour créer un arbre : /32

Il n'y a aucune information concernant cette étape.


Si vous êtes inscrit au tournoi, connectez-vous pour voir les horaires des matchs.

Si vous êtes inscrit au tournoi, connectez-vous pour voir les horaires des matchs.

Si vous êtes inscrit au tournoi, connectez-vous pour voir les horaires des matchs.

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